Yinqiao Wang#, Zhuang Qian#, Hua Tong*, and Hajime Tanaka*
"Hyperuniform disordered solids with crystal-like stability"
Ding Xu, Shiyun Zhang, Hua Tong, Lijin Wang*, Ning Xu*
"Low-frequency vibrational density of states of ordinary and ultra-stable glasses"
Hua Tong* and Hajime Tanaka*
"Emerging exotic compositional order on approaching low-temperature equilibrium glasses"
Yanshuang Chen, Zefang Ye, Kexin Wang, Jiping Huang, Hua Tong, Yuliang Jin, Ke Chen, Hajime Tanaka, and Peng Tan
"Visualizing slow internal relaxations in a two-dimensional glassy system"
Junchao Huang, Jianhua Zhang, Ding Xu, Shiyun Zhang, Hua Tong, and Ning Xu
"From jammed solids to mechanical metamaterials: A brief review"
Jianhua Zhang, Wen Zheng, Hua Tong, and Ning Xu
"Revealing the characteristic length of random close packing via critical-like random pinning"
Minhuan Li, Zhengyuan Yue, Yanshuang Chen, Hua Tong, Hajime Tanaka, and Peng Tan
"Revealing thermally-activated nucleation pathways of diffusionless solid-to-solid transition"
Qiong Gao, Jingdong Ai, Shixiang Tang, Minhuan Li, Yanshuang Chen, Jiping Huang, Hua Tong, Lei Xu, Limei Xu, Hajime Tanaka, and Peng Tan
"Fast crystal growth at ultra-low temperatures"
Xiangying Shen, Chenchao Fang, Zhipeng Jin, Hua Tong, Shixiang Tang, Hongchuan Shen, Ning Xu, Jack Hau Yung Lo, Xinliang Xu, and Lei Xu
"Achieving adjustable elasticity with nonaffine to affine transition"
Ye Yuan, Yi Xing, Jie Zheng, Zhifeng Li, Houfei Yuan, Shuyang Zhang, Zhikun Zeng, Chengjie Xia, Hua Tong, Walter Kob, Jie Zhang, and Yujie Wang
"Experimental test on Edwards volume ensemble of tapped granular packings"
Jun Liu, Hua Tong*, Yunhuan Nie, and Ning Xu*
"Jamming in confined geometry: Criticality of the jamming transition and implications of structural relaxation in confined supercooled liquids"
Xulai Sun, Walter Kob, Raphael Blumenfeld, Hua Tong, Yujie Wang, and Jie Zhang
"Friction-controlled entropy-stability competition in granular systems"
Hideyuki Mizuno, Hua Tong, Atsushi Ikeda, and Stefano Mossa
"Intermittent rearrangements accompanying thermal fluctuations distinguish glasses from crystals"
Hua Tong, Shiladitya Sengupta, and Hajime Tanaka
“Emergent solidity of amorphous materials as a consequence of mechanical self-organisation”
Nature Commun. 11, 4863 (2020).
Press release: SJTU -
Yanshuang Chen, Zhenwei Yao, Shixiang Tang, Hua Tong, Taiki Yanagishima, Hajime Tanaka, and Peng Tan
“Morphology selection kinetics of crystallization in a sphere”
Nature Physics (2020). -
Can-can Zhou, Hongchuan Shen, Hua Tong, Ning Xu, and Peng Tan
“Coupling between particle shape and long-range interaction in the high-density regime”
Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 086301 (2020). -
Hua Tong and Hajime Tanaka
“Role of attractive interactions in structure ordering and dynamics of glass-forming liquids”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 225501 (2020).
Press release: SJTU, 中国科学报
Xiunan Yang, Hua Tong, Wei-hua Wang, and Ke Chen
“Decoupling between thermodynamics and dynamics during rejuvenation in colloidal glasses”
J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp 024007 (2020). -
Hua Tong and Hajime Tanaka
“Structural order as a genuine control parameter of dynamics in simple glass formers”
Nature Commun. 10, 5596 (2019). -
Hua Tong*, Hao Hu, Peng Tan, Ning Xu*, and Hajime Tanaka*
“Revealing inherent structural characteristics of jammed particulate packings”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 215502 (2019). -
Xiunan Yang, Hua Tong (co-first author), Wei-Hua Wang, and Ke Chen
“Emergence and percolation of rigid domains during colloidal glass transition”
Phys. Rev. E 99, 062610 (2019). -
Jun Liu, Yunhuan Nie, Hua Tong, and Ning Xu
“Realizing negative Poisson’s ratio in spring networks with close-packed lattice geometries”
Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 055607 (2019). -
Hajime Tanaka, Hua Tong (co-first and corresponding author), Rui Shi, and John Russo
“Revealing key structural features hidden in liquids and glasses”
Nature Rev. Phys. 1, 333 (2019). -
Hongchuan Shen, Hua Tong, Peng Tan, and Lei Xu
“A universal state and its relaxation mechanisms of long-range interacting polygons”
Nature Commun. 10, 1737 (2019). -
Hua Tong and Hajime Tanaka
“Revealing hidden structural order controlling both fast and slow glassy dynamics in supercooled liquids”
Phys. Rev. X 8, 011041 (2018). -
Yunhuan Nie, Hua Tong, Jun Liu, Mengjie Zu, and Ning Xu
“Role of disorder in determining the vibrational properties of mass-spring networks”
Frontiers of Physics 12, 126301 (2017). -
Mengjie Zu, Jun Liu, Hua Tong, and Ning Xu
“Density affects the nature of the hexatic-liquid transition in two-dimensional melting of soft-core systems”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 085702 (2016). -
Hua Tong, Peng Tan, and Ning Xu
“From crystals to disordered crystals: a hidden order-disorder transition”
Scientific Reports 5, 15378 (2015). -
Hua Tong and Ning Xu
“Order parameter for structural heterogeneity in disordered solids”
Phys. Rev. E 90, 010401(Rapid Communication) (2014). -
Hao Liu, Hua Tong, and Ning Xu
“Mechanical properties of jammed packings of frictionless spheres under an applied shear stress”
Chin. Phys. B 23, 116105 (2014). -
H. Tong, X. Marie, and M. W. Wu
“Electron spin relaxation in GaAs1-xBix: Effects of spin-orbit tuning by Bi incorporation”
J. Appl. Phys. 112, 063701 (2012). -
H. Tong and M. W. Wu
“Strongly modulated transmissions in gapped armchair graphene nanoribbons with side-arm or on-site gate voltage”
Phys. Rev. B 85, 205433 (2012). -
H. Tong and M. W. Wu
“Multivalley spin relaxation in n-type bulk GaAs in the presence of high electric fields”
Phys. Rev. B 85, 075203 (2012). -
H. Tong and M. W. Wu
“Theory of excitons in cubic III-V semiconductor GaAs, InAs and GaN quantum dots: Fine structure and spin relaxation”
Phys. Rev. B 83, 235323 (2011).